Filmed Interview about ‘Our Seamful Madzine Methodology Zine’
In this filmed zoom interview Jill and Hel discuss ‘Our Seamful Madzine Methodology Zine’ with Jac (Zineopolis)
In this filmed zoom interview Jill and Hel discuss ‘Our Seamful Madzine Methodology Zine’ with Jac (Zineopolis)
View our one minute video here!
Music – Walking LA by Vollkornbrot:
It was an event packed with interest. You can view the 2021 Unconvention Archive here.
Hear the MadZines team on the the Graphic Medicine podcast.
Ragged University strives to connect with the traditions of free education that exist at the heart of all communities.
Subversion is a feature of some MadZines we’ve been reading in the MadZines project over recent months.
In this guest blog Rachel Rowan-Olive explains her approach to crafting MadZines about difficult topics that might, in other contexts, be deemed too ‘risky’.