A Madzine is a crafting tool

Jill recently created a tiny zine – made up of words from blog posts that have been written for us, along with some ideas from the narrative scholar, Arthur Frank.


The related blog posts are here:


The text of the zine is below.  We were asked to reproduce it here, as several people commented that it reads like poetry.



A Madzine is a crafting tool
A Madzine is a crafting tool
to communicate experience
at the edge of existing language,
where half-hidden knowledges
can be touched and felt;
to tell new stories
from ‘inside the experience’
that don’t hold others hostage
to our own perspectives;
and to shape
alternative Universes,
in which people can live
and hold their own.
Madzines speak
of many hopeful things,
but to hear them
we must be close.
We must be present
With our own own self.
Madzines Research Project (2023) A Madzine is a crafting tool.


Anderson, J. (2024) Madzines Research. ‘A Madzine is a Crafting Tool’. 27 August.  Available: https://madzines.org/a-madzine-is-a-crafting-tool/

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